
Stopping a Dangerous Article V Convention

The only way to defend our values against this threat is if ordinary people like us step up to make a difference. Join the fight today.

  • 2.13.2015

ACLU: Calls For a Constitutional Convention Heating Up in the States

ACLU examines the push for a new constitutional convention and why the organization opposes it.

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Exposed: The Convention of States, a Campaign to Undermine 115 Years of Progressivism

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KC Becker: Constitutional convention could spell chaos for democracy

KC Becker, who lives in Boulder and represents District 13, is the now the Speaker of the Colorado House of Representatives. She penned this op-ed on September 25, 2018, while majority leader. We deserve a democracy that puts hardworking Coloradans ahead of wealthy special interests and the well-connected. No one can deny the powerful influence […]

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Convention of States “Reopen America” Ploy

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Op-Ed by New Jersey Leadership Highlights Threat of Article V Convention

Just before the new year, New Jersey became the latest state to rescind all calls for a constitutional convention. In doing so, New Jersey takes part in removing applications asking for a constitutional convention that, if it were to happen, leaves the door wide open for a complete runaway convention that has the power to […]

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Do you trust far-right politicians working to remake the Kansas and US Constitutions? | Opinion

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Scholars Invite Mark Meckler to Debate a Constitutional Convention

A public debate is slated for Thursday, February 6, 2020 at 5 pm MST in the Lincoln Room of the Idaho Legislature. This forum will offer both sides the opportunity to discuss the merits of the proposed Article V Constitutional Convention, or Convention of States, now being pushed through legislatures across the country.   A constitutional convention could put all our rights […]

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Georgia groups to legislators: Protect our constitutional rights & vote against any call for an Article V convention

The following letter was sent to Georgia lawmakers this week from a local coalition of civil rights and advocacy groups. Protect Our Constitutional Rights – Vote NO on SR 854 March 11, 2020 Dear Senator, We are writing you today on the dangers of an Article V convention and to urge you to vote “NO” […]

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New Hampshire’s upcoming vote to rescind calls for a constitutional convention affects us all

This legislative season in New Hampshire has been busy when it comes to the dangerous push for an Article V constitutional convention. HCR 6 and the call for a constitutional convention was handily defeated in a bipartisan manner with a vote of 318-27.  While this was a great win for New Hampshire because it did not add any new calls to their roster, they still have existing applications for a convention […]

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