
Stopping a Dangerous Article V Convention

The only way to defend our values against this threat is if ordinary people like us step up to make a difference. Join the fight today.

New Hampshire’s upcoming vote to rescind calls for a constitutional convention affects us all

This legislative season in New Hampshire has been busy when it comes to the dangerous push for an Article V constitutional convention. HCR 6 and the call for a constitutional convention was handily defeated in a bipartisan manner with a vote of 318-27. 

While this was a great win for New Hampshire because it did not add any new calls to their roster, they still have existing applications for a convention that place us all at risk for a convention that inches us ever closer to constitutional chaos. With no rules in the Constitution on how an Article V convention would work, every constitutional right and civil liberty could be subject to change.  

Luckily, legislators in New Hampshire are also looking to the future and thinking not only abouttheir own constituents, but the whole of America. That’s why New Hampshire legislators have introduced legislation to slow the process of a looming constitutional crisis and protect all Americans’ rights and civil liberties.  

HCR 9 would rescind all the calls New Hampshire has on the books for a convention. This is an immense step in the right direction, and it is important that residents of New Hampshire take action and let their lawmakers know they do not have the right to gamble with our constitutional rights. 

If HCR 9 passes, New Hampshire would join the ranks of Delaware, New MexicoMarylandNevada, and other states in completing rescission efforts to ensure that the rights for their residents and Americans everywhere are secure.  

If this legislation does not pass, New Hampshire will still have calls for an Article V convention on the books and would thus still be part of the growing list of states that are working to push this dangerous effort. The risk is too great, and we cannot let this happen.  

If we let these dangerous calls go unchecked, we are putting our entire Constitution up for grabs, putting all our rights at risk.  

There are too many unanswered questions, such as 

How the delegates would be electedWould certain states get more powerWho would oversee the convention? Would special interests get a say in the proposed amendmentsHow many amendments and changes could be introduced in a convention?  

While proponents argue they can keep it limited, there are simply no guidelines in the Constitution to guarantee that promise.  

New Hampshire will soon face a vote on HCR 9, but we must be clear, there are multiple groups that see this as dangerous legislation and oppose a constitutional convention. They include:  

Kent Street Coalition, Common Cause, National Education Association-New Hampshire, New Hampshire Sierra Club, Granite State Progress, League of Women Voters New Hampshire, League of Women Voters of the United States, New Hampshire Voters Restoring Democracy, ACLU of New Hampshire, The Brennan Center for Justice, AFSCME Council 93, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities  

We must tell the government that we will not allow them to expose our rights to unwarranted risk. Support HCR 9 today.  

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